Political and military aspects of security

Author guidelines

Basic rules:

  • The papers should only be send via e-mail to the conference address: ukw.2020@gmail.com.
  • The papers are published in: English or Polish.
  • The paper’s length, with footnotes and bibliography should not exceed a publishing sheet approx. 20-40 thousand signs with spaces.
  • The file needs to be in Microsoft Word format (DOC or DOCX).
  • Font size 12 point, Times New Roman.
  • Set the margins: left - 3,5; right - 2,5; top&bottom -2,5; interspace - 1,5.
  • Remove the space between paragraphs.
  • Information about an author should be given in the first footnote accordingly: title/deegre, first name, last name (surname), organizational unit, school/academy/college/university, e-mail address, ORCID no.
  • At the beginning of the text, after author’s name and surname, the address for correspondence should be given for editorial board purposes.
  • For authors from Poland abstract in Polish should be given as well as abstracts in English (approx. 150-250 words). For authors from abroad there is no need to send us abstracts in Polish. In abstracts there has to be clearly stated: author’s goals, scientific problem(s), scientific methods, hypothesis. Font size for abstract: 11 point, Times New Roman, interspace - 1,0.
  • From 4 to 8 key words are required. Font size 11, Times New Roman.
  • Bibliography should be attached after the core text. Font size: 11, Times New Roman.
  • Do not move single letters from the end of the line to the next one (below line).
  • Quotations have to be in quotation marks (“…”). Do not use italics for citations. Number of page must be given.
  • Short foreign phrases should be in italics (ie. de facto).
  • Titles of books, monograph, scientific works should be written in italics without quotation marks (for example: The clash of the civilizations).
  • All the dates should be given as follow: 16 June 2010, decades: 90’s, 80’s, centuries: 19th, 20thand so on.
  • Names in the text should be written as follow: T. Paleczny, when first time mentioned the name should be in full form, for example: Tadeusz Paleczny, and mentioned further as T. Paleczny.

Basic in Text Citation Style:

  • Citation is based on APA Style, it means that all references should be in core text, in brackets.
  • The pattern for references is as follow: author(s) surnames, the year of publishing and if need page number for quotations.
  • An example for one author is as follow: (Kowalski, 2018) or „As the Kowalski stated (2018), the current state of research…”, and with quotations (Kowalski, 2018, p. 35).
  • An example for two or three authors: (Kowalski & Nowak, 2018) and (Kowalski, Nowak & Jankowski 2018); for more than three authors only the surname of the first author should be given: (Kowalski et al., 2018).
  • Once the reference is made for more than one title, each title should be separated with semicolon, e. g.: (Kowalski 2018; Nowak 2017; Jankowski 2010).
  • If there is a number of works of one author published in the same year, next lower case letters should be added, e. g.: (Kowalski, 2018a) and (Kowalski, 2018b).
  • If two different authors have the same surname a short form of the first name should be added after their surname, e.g.: (Kowalski J., 2018; Kowalski S., 2015).
  • It is allowed to use footnotes in the core text but only as a supplement or a kind of an explication for the information given in the core text. Authors are asked to limit the number of footnotes.


  • The list of cited literature and primary sources should be added at the end of the paper, on the next empty page after the core text (without any divisions for e.g. monograph, primary sources and so on).
  • The list should be ordered alphabetically by author’s name and compatible with APA style.
  • In case of cyrillic a translation is necessary
  • DOI number should be placed if known.


  • An article/paper in a journal:
    Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Title of the paper. Journal title, volume(number), page(s). DOI number.
    E.g: Kowalski, J. (2018). Konfucjanizm a kapitalizm. Świat Idei i Polityki, 19, pp. 80-104. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/xx.xxx/yyyyy.
  • Monograph:
    Autor, A. A. (Year). Book’s title: subtitle. Place of publishment: Publisher.
    E.g.: Kowalski, J. (2015). Chińska droga rozwoju. Warsaw: PWN.
  • A chapter in a collective work edited:
    Author, A. (Year). Chapter’s title. In: A. A. Editor & B. B. Editor (ed.), Book’s title (chapter’s pages). Place of publishing: Publisher.
    g: Kowalski, J. (2015). Konfucjanizm a kapitalizm. In: B. Nowak (ed.), Rola konfucjanizmu w rozwoju gospodarczym Chin(230-256). Warsaw: PWN.
  • An electronic source:
    Author, A. (Year, day and month). Article’s title Website’s title. Retrieved from: http://www.address.com/url/.
    E.g: Kowalski, J. (2018, May 6). Chińska bańka nieruchomości. Forsal. Retrieved from: http://www.forsal.pl/xyz/xyz/.
    or if written by unknown author: Eksport produktów przemysłowych z Chin. (2015). Internetowa Baza Informacji Gospodarczych. Retrieved from: http://www.ibig.edu.pl/xyz/.
  • Full description of APA style with examples is available here: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_style_introduction.html

Structure of the paper
[justified text, Times New Roman, font size 12 point generally, interspace 1,5 generally]

First name, last name (surname)* – font size 12, bold font, left-aligned.
Correspondence address for editorial board purpose

Paper’s title – font size 14, bold font, left aligned.

Abstract: English, font size 11, interspace 1, 200-250 words.

Key words: English, font size 11, interspace 1.

Introduction – font size 12.

Subheadings – font size 12.

Conclusion – font size 12.

Bibliography – font size 11, intersection 1.

Abstract in English – font size 11, intersection 1.

Key words in English- font size 11, intersection 1.

* title/deegre, first name, last name (surname), organizational unit, school/academy/college/university-mail address, ORCID no. font size 10 points, interspace 1.